Thursday, 12 June 2014

Basics of Modern Kitchen Design

In times, where the size of the houses is getting smaller and leaner, modern kitchen designs are the latest trend. The underlining rule of having a modern kitchen design is functionality. The design advocates looks that enhances space management. Open shelves with bold colors and clean lines are the foremost look that is adopted in these kitchen designs.

Glass is the favorite material used for doors with simple square and rectangle shapes designs. Stainless steel is another popular option that is used while furnishing modern kitchen design architecture. See-through Plexiglas counters are another topmost idea with either a plain glass or a colored glass. When one talks about color, modern kitchen finds its appeal in bolder colors with red, black, yellow, greens and silver as the top choices. The concept believes in vibrancy with functionality as its crux.

Appliances are preferred in in-built designs that run along kitchen cabinets. Kitchen appliances such as stovetops and fridge are placed in such as way that they do not take any extra space in the kitchen. In modern kitchen, wooden and ceramic flooring are considered as the perfect fit and are also the commonly used material in modern kitchen designs.


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